
Policy Downloads


What is Forest School?

The concept originates from Scandinavia where the young children are taken on walks through the forest following an imaginary character.  Along the way they explore and investigate, take risks and learn together in the great outdoors.  The ethos has now been introduced to the UK under the name ‘Forest School’.

Activities are varied and linked both to the curriculum and the season in which they take place. Nature is at the heart of all of that we do and children will, over time, learn about the world around them.

Sessions focus on aspects of holistic development. The teacher is less a person of authority and more a facilitator, mentor and experienced companion.  Children are allowed to choose the direction they take, discover, discuss and develop without the constraints of a table and chair.  As they learn to respect this freedom they will learn about themselves, learn about others, and learn to be resilient.

Safeguarding Policy

Accident and Incident Policy

Administration of Medicine Policy

Attendance Policy

Child Release Policy

Code of Practice and Conduct Policy

 Communication with Parents Policy

 Concerns and Complaints Policy

 Confidentiality Policy

COVID-19 Policy

E-safety Policy

Emergency Procedure Policy

 Equal Opportunities Policy

Fire Policy

Food and Drink Policy

Free Early Learning Policy 

Holiday Club T&C

Information Sharing Policy

Learning and Development Policy

Learning Journals Policy

Missing Child Procedure

Non-collection of Children Policy

Outings and Visits Policy

Positive Behaviour Policy

Privacy Policy

Risk Assessment Policy

Security Policy

Settling in and Transition Policy

Sickness and Emergency Treatment Policy

SEN Policy

Toileting and Nappy Changing Policy

Use of Mobile Phones, Cameras and Digital Devices Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Working with Tools Policy

Registered Numbers:

Foresteers: 558984

Foresteers Outdoor Preschool: 2507786

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