
Foresteers’ Outdoor Preschool Funding Contract

Foresteers Outdoor Preschool
Greenhead House Farm, S35 0HN

Ofsted Number: 2507785

Postal address: 101 Don Avenue, S35 0BZ


This agreement sets out the arrangement made between the Parent/Carer and Provider for accessing/providing Funded Early Learning (FEL) and for eligible 2, 3 & 4 year olds Working Parent Entitlement and/or Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and private invoiced childcare.

The Period of Funded Agreement:

I understand and agree to the follow:

  1. Foresteers Outdoor Preschool are legally responsible for my child whilst in their care.
  2. My child will attend the following sessions:

Please select the required days, 1 day minimum requirement.

  • £65 admin fee including waterproof suit and login to tapestry
  • £64.40 – full day 7.30-5.30 3/4 year old
  • £64.40 – full day 7.30-5.30 2 year old
  • FEL/WPE hours 9am-4pm term time only
  • £9.35 - Breakfast Club 7.30am-9.00am
  • £9.35 Tea Club 4pm-5.30pm
  • £9.10 sustainability fee (added to invoice for each FEL/EFEL session)
  • £15 sustainability fee for WPE 2 year olds
  • £3.50 lunch per day (optional, term minimum)
  • £10 additional session you book if on a term time contract and you book additional sessions during the holidays at preschool
  • £8.50 per hour if you need to book a few hours adhoc on a day your child does not normally attend between 9am-4pm, subject to availability (optional, booking through email)

Fees and charges

  1. Fees are invoiced on a monthly basis; payment must be paid within 2 weeks of receiving the invoice via bank transfer by the last day of the month.
  2. In the event of a late payment a 10% late payment fee will be invoiced, this is 10% of your monthly invoice.
  3. Funded Hours/Working Parent Entitlement have a sustainability fee of £9.10 per day for a 3, 4 year old and 2 year olds claiming certain benefits, to provide forest school provision.
  4. Funded Hours/Working Parent Entitlement have a sustainability fee of £15 per, for 2 year olds to provide forest school provision.
  5. Children on a full time, full day rate contract will receive 7 days a year at a 50% discount for holidays if 4 or more weeks notice is given.
  6. For children attending through the school holidays or out off funded session times and dates where funded hours will not apply, will be invoiced accordingly.
  7. £10 + day rate for each additional session you book if on a term time contract and you book additional sessions during the holidays at preschool.
  8. £8.50 per hour if you need to book a few hours adhoc on a day your child does not normally attend between 9am-4pm, subject to availability
  9. We will add a £2.50 administration charge to all invoices that are paid through tax credits, childcare vouchers and government schemes.
  10. In the event of late collection a fee of £15 per 15 minutes will be invoiced.
  11. Preschool suncream is optional (non perfumed, NHS approved), £5 a term during the summer.
  12. In the event of none payment of fees the procedures in the fees policy will apply.
  13. I must give 4 weeks written notice to terminate my contract or to request any amendments.

Illness and Medication

  1. If my child becomes ill during their time at Preschool, I will be asked to collect them as soon as possible, fees will still be chargeable.
  2. I will inform staff as soon as possible if my child will be absent for any reason.
  3. If my child has a minor accident, they will be treated by a member of staff who is fully trained in Paediatric first aid, and I will be informed of the situation as soon as possible. In the event of a major accident the staff will make immediate contact with parents or carers and the emergency services. All details will be recorded in our accident book.
  4. Should there be any incidents involving my child then I will be informed.


  1. If my child requires nappies, wipes, creams then it is my responsibility to provide these.
  2. Whilst Foresteers will try to ensure the safety and security of any items belonging to my child they cannot be held responsible for anything lost or stolen.
  3. I understand that my child needs to attend on a regular basis and be punctual.
  4. I understand that staff: child ratios are rigorously adhered to, and therefore my child must be collected from the preschool within the allotted time or I will incur a late fee charge.
  5. I have been given information for additional costs for initial admin charge wrap around care and sustainability fee for FEL hours and will be invoiced for these items.
  6. I understand that Foresteers staff have a legal obligation to follow appropriate safeguarding procedures if there are any concerns about my child’s safety and well-being. Concerns will be shared with parents where it is appropriate and other agencies such as the health visiting team, and Sheffield Children’s Safeguarding Partnership.
  7. I understand that Foresteers have a duty of care for my child and will let my child’s health visitor know that they are attending the setting. I agree that information can be shared with the health visitor, speech and language and other professionals involved with my family to create an open, supportive and consistent approach surrounding my child’s holistic development.
  8. I am required to inform Foresteers immediately of any change of contact numbers and addresses.
  9. I understand that Foresteers will claim the funding for any days where there has been an unforeseen closure (e.g. forced to close due to unsafe weather conditions) and bank holidays that do not fall in the normal school holiday unfunded periods.
  10. I understand that my personal information is held securely and will be used for claiming FEL funding, Early Years Pupil Premium or Free School Meals from the Local Authority. My eligibility for funding and any change to that eligibility will be shared with my current provider and future education settings my child attends where the funding claims are still appropriate.

I have read and understood the above terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.

Clear Signature

Permission Statement

I give permission for:

I am signing to agree with what has been stated on the permission statement:

Clear Signature
Call Us On:

☎ 07835 284996


Registered Numbers:

Foresteers: 558984

Foresteers Outdoor Preschool: 2507786

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