Looking to book a Foresteers experience?
It couldn’t be easier. Simply fill in the form below. We will then get in touch to confirm your place. We’re all looking forward to meeting you and having a fantastic experience.
If you need to speak with us, please feel free to call on 07780454327
Our Birth to 4 Stay and Play sessions and October Half Term Holiday Club are now available to book
Birth to 4 Stay and Play Dates: 7th September, then recurring every Monday until 19th October, 10:00-11.30am. Bookings must be for the full seven-week half term. Places are limited to 15 families per day.
October Half Term Holiday Club Dates: Tuesday 27th October – Thursday 29th October. Bookings must be for the duration of the Holiday Club.
£35 per child (1 year+) including one adult, which includes snack, drinks and marshmallows.
Children less than one year old can attend for free
Complete the booking form below to secure your child’s place, as well as read and sign the terms and conditions. Please transfer the appropriate booking fee as detailed on the terms and conditions.